What formats do we accept.?
We can make your design from any of the following files, JPEG, PDF & EPS
What formats do we deliver?
We deliver EMB and DST files and PDF proof
Do I need to give my credit card details?
No, we do not keep any credit card details on file you can pay for the embroidery once you are happy with the proof.
How does ordering work?
You can create an order by clicking on the order link, fill in the details and upload the image. A confirmation email is sent once we receive your order. In most cases we turn it around in 24 hours.
How does amendment work?
Once your order is completed, you will see a drop list in the amend page. Please select the design you would like to amend and fill in the form. Note, that orders that are invoiced cannot be amended. Please create a new order for such cases.
Where do I download my designs?
Once the design is sent, we send you an email notification. Please click on downloads to see a list of your designs.
Why can‘t I download the EMB and DST files?
To gain access to the Emb and Dst files, you need to pay for the design by clicking on PAY NOW. Once the payment is received, the system will automatically give you access to download the embroidery files.